We’re really pleased to announce that as of Monday 9th May, at the start of Mental Health Awareness Week, our name will change from Community Roots to UOK Brighton & Hove.
You can expect the same great support and services, with a brand new name, logo, look and feel.
Rah Bray, Mental Health Services Lead at Southdown, explains the reason for the brand refresh:
“Since we launched the city-wide mental health network in Brighton & Hove in October 2019, we’ve had feedback that our name and marketing didn’t represent who we are and what we do, and that this was impacting on our ability to reach people that needed support.
We wanted to give ourselves a new name and visual identity that felt fresh and modern, conveyed a sense of hopefulness, and that would catch the eye of and feel inclusive to anyone in the City living with mental health challenges that needed support.
Working with a fantastic local designer, a collaborative and inclusive process was undertaken with people who use and provide the network’s services. The common phrase of ‘u ok’ was agreed to be a good name and conversation starter to ask people across Brighton and Hove to share and consider how they, and their family and friends, are feeling.
With one in four people experiencing mental health challenges in their life it is vital that we continue to encourage people to take that all important first step to share how they’re feeling and reach out to seek support.”
Katie, a local woman who has accessed UOK Brighton and Hove mental health services, was involved in the creative process to refresh the network’s name and visual identity. She said:
“I didn’t really understand what the previous name, Community Roots, meant or stood for. It needed to change. UOK Brighton and Hove is so quick to get. More than ever, after the pandemic, we need to look out for one another. Checking in and asking if a friend, loved one, is okay can make all the difference.
“Over the years, I’ve had breakdowns and been hospitalised due to mental illness. Knowing there’s people out there that can help is a great relief. There’s fantastic support that can teach you to develop skills to cope; there’s so much to learn. There’s also lots of amazing activities you can get involved in. Support enabled me to share how I was feeling and just be me.”
UOK Brighton & Hove is funded by NHS Brighton and Hove CCG and Brighton and Hove City Council, and provided by Southdown in partnership with 16 local mental health and wellbeing organisations.
The UOK Brighton & Hove Central Access Team are available to support and advise anyone who would like access services in Brighton and Hove and start their journey to better mental health and wellbeing.
Call freephone 0808 196 1768 or arrange a call back here.