Brighton Women’s Centre (BWC)

About the service and what to expect

The Brighton Women’s Centre (BWC) & self-identifying women from all backgrounds, facing all kinds of issues, to live happier lives. The charity provides a variety of services and a safe, women-only space for women dealing with bereavement or trauma, women who have been through homelessness or the criminal justice system, survivors of abuse or discrimination.

Women’s Wellbeing Hub drop-in

This service is open to all women in need of emotional support, advice and information. It is free to access and provides a safe, women-only environment. During the drop-in, volunteers are on hand to offer support and are able to provide information about specialist organisations.

Many women come in need of a kind ear or a supportive voice, company, advice on other services or to use our IT facilities. Women can also be linked in with the Centre’s food bank or other services.

Women’s Specialist Mental Health Support Coordinator

Mental Health Support Coordinators (MHSCs) work with people with complex mental health challenges to help them achieve healthy social networks and the right support in the community.

MHSCs can work closely with you, providing short-term one-to-one support and help you connect to your community to build social support.

Early Years Childcare

ToyBox Early Years service offers childcare for 0-5 year olds at BWC’s lovely Ofsted-registered setting in central Brighton. The service is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9am- 2pm and can be used on a regular or ad-hoc basis after registering.

They offer high-quality early years education in a caring and exciting learning environment, specialising in trauma-informed practice. They offer a free-flow learning environment which takes from the philosophies of Reggio Emilia, Hygge, The Curiosity Approach.

BWC offer child-centered activities including: loose parts, messy play, imaginative play, sensory play, discussion tables, yoga, music, puzzles and stories.

They also visit the surrounding communities which include trips to local parks, museums, library and linking in with music groups.

Support and Information Phone Line

Please call the Support and Information Phone Line on 07842 311 406 or email during the following hours:

  • Wednesdays 10am – 12pm
  • Thursdays 10am – 12pm

During these times, trained volunteers are on hand to offer support and information. Many women call in need of a kind ear or a supportive voice, or information on specialist services.

Further Information

For more information and to discuss accessing support from Brighton Women’s Centre, please call 0808 196 1768 to speak to a member of our Central Access Point team. Alternatively, if you would prefer, you can arrange a callback.