Together Co

About the service and what to expect

Together Co is a loneliness charity that creates connections to change lives. Services provided include befriending, social prescribing and volunteering in Brighton, Hove and beyond.


Everybody should have somebody. Together Co’s befriending service matches people with people to create friendships that make life better. They’ve been doing so for over 20 years. In that time, they have witnessed loneliness eased and lives changed – all through the simple power of human connection.

You can access this service and create valuable friendships, share interests & experiences by being matched with someone like you, improve confidence & self-esteem and live happier and healthier lives. The befriending matching process is personalised and based on details such as where you live, your interests and shared characteristics.

Learn more about the process here

Social Prescribing

Social connections are key to our wellbeing. Together Co’s social prescribing services help people find the people and places they need to be happier and healthier. This might be having someone you can chat to when you need to, or someone who helps you navigate local services that could benefit you. Find out more about the process here

 This service is available for residents of Brighton and Hove who are aged 18+ and experiencing any of the following:

  • Feeling isolated and would like to socialise and meet new people
  • Struggling with benefits, housing or debt issues
  • Would like support with mild depression, anxiety or stress
  • Want to volunteer or to return to work
  • Looking for support with mild learning disabilities
  • Caring for someone and would like some advice or support
  • Want support with healthy eating and physical activity.

Further Information

For more information and to discuss accessing support from Together Co, please call 01273 775888 or visit their website here: